viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009


Muchas gracias por votar, Cassette ART ganó como mejor ART BLOG!

25 comentarios:

.G! dijo...

Mi voto es para Cassette Art.

Francisco Arriaga dijo...

iguanas ranas! ya voté...! :-D

Francisco Arriaga dijo...

Honor a quien honor merece.


Cheto dijo...

Lo mismo que el de arriba

Veronica und Maulwürfe dijo...

lo mismo que el de arriba del de arriba

Yolliztli Ruiz dijo...

que bueno esta su blog! saludos

simple bazar dijo...


Diseño independiente en ropa, accesorios y complementos para tu vida diaria


FECHA: 18,19 y 20 de diciembre 2009

LUGAR: Álvaro Obregón #291-B Col. Roma MEX.DF.
Entre Valladolid y Salamanca a una lado de el Imperial
*a una cuadra del parque España

Anónimo dijo...

a canijo canijo, y esto que es?

Felipo dijo...

Hello!I found your blog through Facebook nad i enjoyed it very much. You being someone inside the art world makes me ant to ask you a question, do you agree with Schopenhauer's view that all form of art should be reduced simply to Music. In other words, do you think Music it's above other forms os Art?

Yannina Thomassiny dijo...

No, i dont, i think that music is part of art, certainly one of the best things of like, but i dont think that any form of art its above others. That depends on the perspective of each person or maybe moments in life that give u the chance to select your favorite form of expression.

Felipo dijo...

Certainly, i agree with that point of view too but, can u imagine what may have crossed Schipenhauer's mind to formulate a thought like that? Because to him that point of view was not a simple question of preference.
And...i almost shared that point of was my in the day that i discovered Tristan und Isolde by Wagner. Music can make you wonder, music can create othr forms of art more easily than other forms...When i look at The Pair of Shoes of Van Gogh i see character in them, they transcend to other forms of reality, they're magnificent but, music is unity, unity with other forms of counsciousness!
But, i agree with u above all, all other forms or art are even, but that's something about music.
Do u enjoy Clasical Music?

Anónimo dijo...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anónimo dijo...

Artistically done is well-advised b wealthier than extravagantly said.

Anónimo dijo...

Well done is better than spectacularly said.

Anónimo dijo...

Splendidly done is richer reconsider than well said.

Anónimo dijo...

Artistically done is richer reconsider than spectacularly said.

Anónimo dijo...

Lovingly done is well-advised b wealthier than extravagantly said.

Anónimo dijo...

Well done is sick than comfortably said.

Anónimo dijo...

Splendidly done is well-advised b wealthier than well said.

Anónimo dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...

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